Dr. Jeevyn Chahal highlights the importance of taking the time to learn how someone’s name is pronounced.
HDC Discover Payment
Family doctors who have completed panel management are eligible for a new $1,000 FPSC payment if they enrol in HDC Discover.
What does it look like to finally pause after 16 months of confronting COVID?
Masks in Medical Settings
The mask mandate continues in BC medical facilities for staff and patients.
How can we reimagine the culture of medicine and thrive?
The time to develop a relevant and timely policy on gender equity is now.
New Home Sleep Apnea Testing Form
New provincial standard requisition form for Home Sleep Apnea Testing
COVID-19 Testing Prior to Travel
Understand the requirements for entry into another country and upon return to Canada.
Are you the 2023-2024 CMA president?
In 2023–2024, a BC physician will be the president of the CMA.
Review the Diabetes Care Guideline
Review the BC Guideline on Diabetes Care.
Corporatization of Primary Care
The content of this page is available to Members of BC Family Doctors.
Members, please log in. Non-members, please Click here for details on how to join.
Professional Distance
Dr. Shana Johnston shares her experience of burnout.
A simplified reporting form and new information to assist with the reporting of adverse events following immunization.
How do we define generalist for the modern day?
Meet your 2021-2022 President-Elect