By Dr. Darren Joneson When I was young, I never imagined becoming a doctor. In fact, I wouldn’t have been … Continue reading “The human cost of a broken system: Why I push for change”
President-Elect Dr. Darren Joneson recently joined the Your Health Care Matters podcast for a thoughtful discussion on the challenges facing … Continue reading “Dr. Darren Joneson on mental well-being & healthcare reform”
Dr. Rebecca Janssen Why I became a rural doctor My father was a rural doctor—the old-fashioned kind, the kind that … Continue reading “More than medicine: the heart of rural family practice”
Dr. Atma Persad Growing up in a small village in rural Alberta shaped my perspective on medicine. Early experiences, such … Continue reading “Why medical schools need more rural students”
Dr. Karen Forgie Rural medicine is one of the most challenging yet most rewarding areas of practice. It brings health … Continue reading “Mind the care gap: the highs and lows of rural family medicine”
Dr. Shelly Eckland Jetzer My journey in family medicine started with a love for people and their stories. I was … Continue reading “Solving the family doctor crisis: my journey back to practice “
Dr. Melissa Duff There have been significant changes to primary care over the 17 years I have practiced family medicine. … Continue reading “How the new payment model could turn the tide on B.C.’s family doctor shortage”
Dr. Jessica Chan I always knew I wanted to help people, but it was a pursuit of meaningful engagement that … Continue reading “Keeping family medicine alive: Encouraging a new generation of family doctors in B.C. “
Dr. Tahmeena Ali Two years ago, I thought about hanging a sign on my clinic saying “closed for good.” After … Continue reading “B.C. has more family doctors with new payment model, but issues still need addressing”
As B.C.’s health care system moves toward more digital solutions, electronic health records (EHRs) have been introduced with the goal … Continue reading “Electronic health records need to support doctors, not slow us down”
Dr Renee Fernandez shares with Macleans how B.C. rolled out the Longitudinal Family Physician payment model and gained 700 new family doctors.
How should virtual care be integrated into our system?
6.5 million people in Canada do not have a family doctor.
A doctor’s dilemma
It can be overwhelming—the conflict between spending time with patients and being able to pay your staff; the conflict between filling out reams of forms and soothing your toddler who has woken with a fever. I have been fully qualified and working independently for just under five years, but already these conflicts have sometimes felt like too much. Still, like most of us, I care so much about my patients that it is hard to leave, and I hope, perhaps naively, that the value of family medicine will be recognized before we’ve been bled completely dry. So, for now, I stay.
A family doctor in Vancouver writes about their experience.