Canada has more doctors than ever, according to a recent article on The Hub. So why do many Canadians still … Continue reading “Will more doctors solve access to primary care?”
Dr Renee Fernandez shares with Macleans how B.C. rolled out the Longitudinal Family Physician payment model and gained 700 new family doctors.
Dr. Grant Del Begio has practiced in the Kamloops area for 30 years. He speaks with CFJC Today about the … Continue reading “One year after it was announced, new pay model for B.C. family physicians showing signs of success”
Canadians want a primary-care provider with whom they can build a long-term relationship and who understands their health-care needs.
How should virtual care be integrated into our system?
6.5 million people in Canada do not have a family doctor.
A doctor’s dilemma
It can be overwhelming—the conflict between spending time with patients and being able to pay your staff; the conflict between filling out reams of forms and soothing your toddler who has woken with a fever. I have been fully qualified and working independently for just under five years, but already these conflicts have sometimes felt like too much. Still, like most of us, I care so much about my patients that it is hard to leave, and I hope, perhaps naively, that the value of family medicine will be recognized before we’ve been bled completely dry. So, for now, I stay.
A family doctor in Vancouver writes about their experience.
Read Dr Jennifer Lush’ poem, as shared at the May 19 rally.
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What you might not know about your family doctor…
B.C.’s pay-for-service model is unsustainable, says doctor.
Dr Kevin McKechnie, a family physician in Nelson, BC, implores his community to get vaccinated.
In July 2020, I wrote a post on this blog to guide family doctors on how to ramp up in-person visits in … Continue reading “From virtual-first to patient-directed”
Are we on fire?
There is another fire raging in Canada – physician burnout.