What you might not know about your family doctor…
COVID-19 Sick Note Requests
Sick notes are an uninsured service and not necessary for work/school absences.
New Patient Resources about COVID
Find trustworthy patient advice about protecting your health and how family doctors can help.
We have created these mindfulness tools in the hopes they can provide a moment of pause in your day.
Provide your comment about the proposed bylaw changes.
Clarifications and FAQs to break down the complexity of the referral process
Why 700,000 British Columbians have no primary care provider.
The Globe and Mail takes a look at medicine’s gender power and pay gap.
Renew your membership for 2022
We’re here to advocate for the reforms necessary to help you out of the pandemic and ensure the future stability of family medicine.
The content of this page is available to Members of BC Family Doctors.
Members, please log in. Non-members, please Click here for details on how to join.
14067 Rejections
The content of this page is available to Members of BC Family Doctors.
Members, please log in. Non-members, please Click here for details on how to join.
It’s time to submit FPSC portal codes.
The content of this page is available to Members of BC Family Doctors.
Members, please log in. Non-members, please Click here for details on how to join.
The Physician Paradox
I sometimes wonder if Hippocrates knew that he was making it difficult for physicians to engage in self-care and self-preservation. … Continue reading “The Physician Paradox”
Our improved tools and resources are here to simplify your billing so you can focus on doing the work you love.