We are the economic and political voice of family doctors in BC.

For over 30 years, we have advocated for the economic and professional well-being of our profession.

Our purpose is to build an environment where family doctors thrive.

We Promise:

  • To listen to understand
  • To speak boldly
  • To act with courage and integrity

What We Believe

Family doctors are the essential foundation of a high-functioning healthcare system. We believe that caring for family doctors ensures both healthy patients and communities.

  • Family doctors have a unique skill set and expertise that cannot be replaced. 
  • We live and breathe primary care – in fact, we specialize in it. 
  • As a result, the expertise, opinion and input of family doctors are crucial for the successful transformation of primary care in BC.

What We Do

At BC Family Doctors, we represent you at tables where the voices of family doctors need to be heard. We ensure family doctors have the accurate and timely resources and tools they need for proper billing, including updating fee schedules by payment model. Most importantly, we work to improve the system of care for patients and physicians.

  • When Doctors of BC is in negotiations with the government about physician remuneration, we are there.
  • When the Family Practice Services Committee (FPSC) meets to discuss the challenges and opportunities of primary care transformation, we are there.
  • When physicians gather at the Doctors of BC Representative Assembly and committees, we are there.

Speaking for you.

For more information about our work, view our
2023-2024 Annual Report.

Work is underway to update our Strategic Plan. Stay tuned. Our current strategic priorities can be found in our 2019-2021 Strategic Plan.

The health and safety of our staff, board, members and visitors is our priority. View our COVID-19 Workplace Safety Plan.

BC Family Doctors