Family medicine in crisis. Family doctors are retiring, closing their practices, or reducing their hours. Newer doctors are not replacing those who leave. Practicing family doctors cannot provide the care that British Columbians need and deserve.
Speak Out for Family Medicine! Use our messaging toolkit to help you discuss the crisis in family medicine concerns and solutions for the future.
Join our social media campaign to speak out for family medicine!
- Share our recommended social media posts (below) or write your own.
- Use the #EveryoneDeservesAFamilyDoctor hashtag and tag us on social media when posting.
- Use the images below when sharing your thoughts on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
- Download our Zoom background to use in meetings with colleagues, health authorities and other stakeholders to increase awareness.
Suggested Twitter Posts:
- There’s a shortage of family doctors doing longitudinal family medicine in BC. Let’s ensure every British Columbian can access a family doctor. #EveryoneDeservesAFamilyDoctor @BCFamilyDoctors
- The work of a family doctor has changed dramatically over the decades, but the supports for family medicine clinics have not kept up. We need the tools to do our jobs – so we can take care of you. #EveryoneDeservesAFamilyDoctor @BCFamilyDoctors
- Family doctors need your help to fix the structures and supports in primary care, so that we can provide the care that British Columbians need. #EveryoneDeservesAFamilyDoctor @BCFamilyDoctors
Suggested Instagram and Facebook Posts:
- There’s a shortage of family doctors doing longitudinal family medicine in BC. Let’s talk about why.
Family medicine is becoming harder to practice as doctors face rising costs of running a clinic alongside increased unpaid administrative burdens and more. Family doctors need your help to fix the structures and supports in primary care, so that we can provide the care that British Columbians need.
#EveryoneDeservesAFamilyDoctor @BCFamilyDocs
- Family doctors are not only healthcare providers; we are human beings. We need the same human supports and working conditions that others do – reasonable working hours, sick leave, safe and respectful workplaces.
Family doctors need the tools and supports to do our jobs – so we can take care of you. #EveryoneDeservesAFamilyDoctor @BCFamilyDocs
- BC is graduating more family doctors than ever before. Yet as family doctors retire, other doctors are not replacing them in doing longitudinal family medicine.
Newer-to-practice family doctors have said that the current fee-for-service system in BC and inadequate supports for family medicine clinics are a barrier to them providing this type of care. Without significant change, it’s only going to get worse.
#EveryoneDeservesAFamilyDoctor @BCFamilyDocs
Shareable Graphics
Download the images below to use on your Twitter, Instagram and Facebook posts. Click on the images you want to save to download to your device.
Facebook Images:
Instagram Images:
Twitter Post Images:
Twitter header image:
Zoom Background:
Download this Zoom background to use when meeting with your colleagues, health authorities, and others.
(Use our guide on Changing your Virtual Background on Zoom, to learn how to do this on Zoom.)