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Family doctors and specialists: Working together for better patient care

Family doctors see every day how long waits for specialists affect patients. When someone needs a specialist, they turn to their family doctor first—for answers, support and a plan while they wait. But as wait times grow longer, patients face more stress and managing their care becomes harder.

The recent Specialist Waitlist Survey from Doctors of BC and the Consultant Specialists of British Columbia confirms what family doctors already know: delays are increasing and patients are feeling the impact. That’s why we’ve written to Health Minister Josie Osborne to highlight the growing challenge of specialist wait times. We’re calling for stronger referral systems, better coordination between family doctors and specialists and the right resources to support patients while they wait.

Family doctors are the foundation of our healthcare system. Strengthening access to care means better outcomes for patients and less strain on the system overall. We look forward to working with government to find solutions that benefit patients and doctors alike.

Read our letter to the minister here.

BC Family Doctors