Our work brings real, measurable benefits to family doctors across BC.
Explore our dashboard to learn how and where we’re making a difference.

  • Released Our Priorities for the Integration of Virtual Care to ensure virtual care is a tool that creates a better tomorrow for patients and physicians.
  • Helped achieve a 2022 PMA that tackled issues like re-referrals and administrative burdens and provided new funding for physician health and safety.
  • Advocated for the College to amend its bylaws to allow all family physicians practicing in BC to call themselves specialists in family medicine.
  • Released a position statement on Corporatization of Family Medicine recommending improved regulation of primary care practice to ensure all entities, including corporate health providers, are held to high standards of medical practice and conduct.
  • Offered creative assets celebrating “I’m a Family Doctor, a Specialist in Primary Care” for use by family physicians.
  • Launched a joint campaign with the BC College of Family Physicians to celebrate family doctors’ expertise in primary care.
  • Created materials for doctors to share with patients on the Family Physician-Patient Compact to encourage conversations about the physician-patient relationship.
  • Released a position statement on Telemedicine in Primary Care recommending principles to guide its adoption and use, and how it’s best used within a longitudinal patient-family doctor relationship.
  • Released Reimagining Family Medicine: Learning from the COVID-19 Experience report, outlining the critical role family doctors continue to play in the global pandemic.
  • Released the Transition into Practice guide for residents and new to practice physicians to support the launch of their family medicine careers.
  • Changed our moniker to the Section of Family Medicine and amended the MSP fee code language from General Practitioner to Family Physician.
  • Helped achieve a historic 2022 PMA with $703 million per year of new ongoing funding, a 13.2% increase over the next three years.
  • Co-led discussions with government to secure the Longitudinal Family Physician (LFP) Payment Model and supported its roll-out to physicians.
  • Co-led ongoing negotiations to expand and improve the LFP Payment Model based on your feedback.
  • Released our principles and priorities for the future of virtual care to guide remuneration parameters in the integration of virtual and in-person care.
  • Launched the modernization of the Fee-For-Service family medicine payment schedule to align with current standards of care and modern service delivery of family medicine.
  • Determined the 2022/2023 and 2022/2023 allocation of general fee increases to address underfunded fee codes, including office and virtual visits, counselling, women’s health and reproductive health care, immunizations, specialized family medicine care, and out-of-office and indirect care.
  • Advocated for changes to substance use fee codes.
  • Achieved the highest membership in the organization’s history, with 3373 as of November 2023.
  • Offered complimentary membership to family physicians who have never been members to give them the opportunity to see our resources and advocacy for family medicine.
  • Enhanced our relationships with Divisions of Family Practice across the province.
  • Boosted our local and regional physician engagement by increasing BC Family Doctors’ presence (in-person and virtual) at partner physician organization meetings.
  • Released the Transition into Practice guide for residents and new to practice physicians to support the launch of their family medicine careers.
  • Strengthened our communications presence with the launch of a new, stronger BC Family Doctors’ brand, including a new visual identity, website, and Twitter and Instagram social media channels.
  • Continued to tell stories and lead communications campaigns showcasing the value, importance and lived experience of family doctors.

NEW FEE: first office visit post-hospitalization

NEW FEE: adult immunization add-on fee

REVIEW: FP Consultations

REVIEW: Complete Examinations

REVIEW: Complex Care

NEW FEE: Incapability Assessment

AMENDMENT: 14005 Obstetric Delivery Incentive for Family Physicians

AMENDMENT: 14105 Management of labour and transfer to an alternate care facility for delivery

2020/2021 General Allocation

NEW FEE: Contraceptive implant

AMENDMENT: Prenatal and Postnatal Office Visits

TEMPORARY AMENDMENT: 00039 Management of Maintenance OAT for Opioid Use Disorder

TEMPORARY FEES: COVID-19 immunization and COVID-19 immunization advice

TEMPORARY FEES: Respiratory immunization

MISC FEE CODE: Contraceptive Implant

NEW FEES: Hospital at Home Fees

AMENDMENT: Palliative Care patient facility visit

AMENDMENT: GP to FP language changes

AMENDMENT: 13005 Advice about a Patient in Community Care

TEMPORARY FEES: COVID-19 Office Visit fee codes

TEMPORARY FEES: Age-adjusted telehealth fees

MISC FEE CODE: Incapability Assessment

AMENDMENT: 13005 Advice about a patient in Community Care

NEW FEE: Office Vaginal Speculum Exam (extra)

AMENDMENT: 13633 Wedge Excision

AMENDMENT: Y00014 & Y00015 Intra-articular medications by injection

2021/22 General Allocation

2022/23 General Allocation & COLA

AMENDMENT: 13655 FP Vasectomy bonus associated with bilateral vasectomy

AMENDMENT: 14540 Insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD)

NEW FEES: Substance Use Care


NEW FEE: 14563 Gynecologic Cervical Block

NEW FEE: High BMI (>35) surgical surcharge of 25%

NEW FEE: Prescription Renewal

FEE REVIEW: Texting as Telehealth

NEW FEE: Out of Hospital Delivery Fee

NEW FEE: first office visit post-hospitalization

NEW FEE: adult immunization add-on fee

REVIEW: FP Consultations

REVIEW: Complete Examinations

REVIEW: Complex Care

NEW FEE: Incapability Assessment

AMENDMENT: 14005 Obstetric Delivery Incentive for Family Physicians

AMENDMENT: 14105 Management of labour and transfer to an alternate care facility for delivery

2020/2021 General Allocation

NEW FEE: Contraceptive implant

AMENDMENT: Prenatal and Postnatal Office Visits

TEMPORARY AMENDMENT: 00039 Management of Maintenance OAT for Opioid Use Disorder

TEMPORARY FEES: COVID-19 immunization and COVID-19 immunization advice

TEMPORARY FEES: Respiratory immunization

MISC FEE CODE: Contraceptive Implant

NEW FEES: Hospital at Home Fees

AMENDMENT: Palliative Care patient facility visit

AMENDMENT: GP to FP language changes

AMENDMENT: 13005 Advice about a Patient in Community Care

TEMPORARY FEES: COVID-19 Office Visit fee codes

TEMPORARY FEES: Age-adjusted telehealth fees

MISC FEE CODE: Incapability Assessment

AMENDMENT: 13005 Advice about a patient in Community Care

NEW FEE: Office Vaginal Speculum Exam (extra)

AMENDMENT: 13633 Wedge Excision

AMENDMENT: Y00014 & Y00015 Intra-articular medications by injection

2021/22 General Allocation

2022/23 General Allocation & COLA

AMENDMENT: 13655 FP Vasectomy bonus associated with bilateral vasectomy

AMENDMENT: 14540 Insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD)

NEW FEES: Substance Use Care


NEW FEE: 14563 Gynecologic Cervical Block

NEW FEE: High BMI (>35) surgical surcharge of 25%

NEW FEE: Prescription Renewal

FEE REVIEW: Texting as Telehealth

NEW FEE: Out of Hospital Delivery Fee

All Members by Year

BC Family Doctors