News articles do not necessarily represent the views of BC Family Doctors. We share news written by or about family physicians to keep our members up to date on topics impacting our professional lives.
Originally published in: CMAJ Blogs
By Dr. Christine Hanna
Christine Hanna is a family and emergency physician, the medical director/chief of the Division of emergency medicine at Quinte Health Care, and an assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine at Queen’s University.
Whether you are a medical trainee, allied health professional or attending physician, you’ll at one time or another have heard someone say, “They’re just a family doctor.”
This phrase has survived time and, unfortunately, is still often spoken – in our hallways, our emergency departments, and even in family medicine clinics. I’ve heard variations of this phrase from attending physicians having worked both in Canada and abroad. I’ve heard it from colleagues – well-meaning acquaintances. I’ve even heard it from patients and their families. And chances are, so have you.
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