BC Family Doctors has worked with Doctors of BC and government to build a payment model focused on patient and physician needs.
We delivered.
This new choice for compensation is now available to those who are eligible and want a different payment model than fee-for-service.
We believe this investment in family medicine will have a profound impact for family doctors and patients across the province.
What is the new payment model?
This improved payment model for longitudinal family doctors will address the stability and sustainability of family medicine. This support for family doctors will provide BC patients with improved access to primary care.
We are hopeful this new payment model will keep existing family doctors in practice, encourage family doctors to come back to community-based care, and recruit more doctors into family medicine.
Everyone deserves a family doctor, and this new payment model is a major step towards making that a reality. It’s about supporting family medicine for the benefit of physicians and patients alike.

How does the payment model work?
The Longitudinal Family Physician Payment Model will be simple to use and easy to access for all doctors who are interested.
It compensates family doctors for time spent with patients and patient visits as well as the number and complexity of patients in their practice.
- Physicians will be paid for the time they spend providing clinic-based care, including time reviewing test results, writing referrals, and making plans for care.
- It means physicians can spend additional time with patients.
- In addition, they will be paid for each patient that they see.
- The billing system will be simplified, allowing physicians to spend less time on paperwork.
Patient panel
- Physicians will also receive a payment based on the number and complexity of patients in their practice.
- Over time, this will encourage physicians to accept patients into their practice if they have capacity.

Frequently Asked Questions
Below, we have compiled some answers to questions we think you may have. More information will available in the weeks to come, so stay tuned.
The current healthcare crisis in British Columbia needs us all to work together to develop solutions. Patients need to have access to timely care and doctors need to be valued for their work. This new payment model is an example of how doctors can lead the creation of solutions for the benefit of patients and doctors alike.
BC Family Doctors is committed to ongoing advocacy and collaboration to ensure that our healthcare system recovers from the strains of the pandemic.
Currently, many family doctors are struggling to keep their clinics open. We believe this payment model will slow the closure of clinics and recruit more doctors into family medicine. Over time, this will create improved access to care for BC patients.
The Pathways Medical Care Directory can help you find information about doctors and medical clinics near your area.
It can also help you find details of how to connect with doctors for virtual care, if that can help in the meantime.
We believe this will allow most family doctors to continue practicing without worrying about the rising costs of running a clinic. Some family doctors will need to retire or leave practice for personal reasons, such as age, illness, or family circumstances.
Family doctors want to continue providing high-quality care to their patients. We believe this payment model will give more doctors the ability to do so.
Under the new payment model, family doctors will be paid for the time they spend providing clinic-based care. In some circumstances, this will mean that longer visits will be available.
Physician members of BC Family Doctors can learn more about the payment model (login required). Learn how to become a member of BC Family Doctors on our membership page.