Receiving rejections, reductions, and refusals on your Teleplan remittance statement can be frustrating. It often requires some detective work to resolve these payment issues. We know complex billing rules, documentation requirements, and billing reconciliation are time consuming. That’s why BC Family Doctors has highlighted the issue of administrative work as one of our PMA priorities.
In the meantime, we have summarized 5 Tips to Avoid Rejections for In-Office Care and increase your billing efficiency. This 1-page article identifies some common errors that lead to fee-for-service billing rejections for in-office care. To determine how a billing submission through Teleplan was adjudicated, take a look through this explanatory codes document that explains the 700 possible reasons your billing was rejected, reduced or refused.
It is important to remember that you are ultimately responsible for any billings submitted under your practitioner number, even if you receive support from an MOA or billing service. Ensure that whatever you bill to MSP has an adequate and corresponding patient record in your chart.
When in doubt about anything on your remittance statement, MSP has practitioner assistance available by phone.
Vancouver: (604) 456-6950
Elsewhere in B.C.: 1-866-456-6950
You can also connect with BC Family Doctors physician billing experts by sending your clinical scenario and the corresponding rejection code to our Billing Question Service.