Dr. Magda du Plessis I never planned to be a rural doctor. But once I started working in a small … Continue reading “Beyond the clinic: The reality of rural family medicine”
Dr. Tobias Gelber comes from a long line of physicians—three of my four grandparents were physicians, and my extended family … Continue reading “It takes a village: Why we need team-based care”
Dr. Corina Ciolacu I knew from a very young age that I wanted to be a physician, but my journey … Continue reading “Breaking barriers: My journey as a family doctor in Canada—and the medical system’s failures “
Dr. Celestine Esume In the different countries where I have practiced, family physicians do a lot to help their patients. … Continue reading “Fixing the referral system: Cutting delays and restoring trust in our health system”
Dr. Ali Dozzi As a new-to-practice doctor and locum, I’m in the thick of urgent care—where, honestly, at least 50 … Continue reading “Urgent care can’t replace primary care: my journey as a new‐to‐practice doctor”
Dr. Grant Del Begio My plan was psychiatry, but when I did my med school family practice rotation in Churchill, … Continue reading “The heart of family medicine: Trust, tragedy and the bonds that endure”
Dr. Nicole Minielly (family medicine resident) During medical training we complete rotations in rural communities. The diversity of practice … Continue reading “Small towns big impact: Why I chose a rural residency”
By Dr. Darren Joneson When I was young, I never imagined becoming a doctor. In fact, I wouldn’t have been … Continue reading “The human cost of a broken system: Why I push for change”
President-Elect Dr. Darren Joneson recently joined the Your Health Care Matters podcast for a thoughtful discussion on the challenges facing … Continue reading “Dr. Darren Joneson on mental well-being & healthcare reform”
Dr. Rebecca Janssen Why I became a rural doctor My father was a rural doctor—the old-fashioned kind, the kind that … Continue reading “More than medicine: the heart of rural family practice”
Dr. Atma Persad Growing up in a small village in rural Alberta shaped my perspective on medicine. Early experiences, such … Continue reading “Why medical schools need more rural students”
Dr. Karen Forgie Rural medicine is one of the most challenging yet most rewarding areas of practice. It brings health … Continue reading “Mind the care gap: the highs and lows of rural family medicine”
Dr. Shelly Eckland Jetzer My journey in family medicine started with a love for people and their stories. I was … Continue reading “Solving the family doctor crisis: my journey back to practice “
Dr. Melissa Duff There have been significant changes to primary care over the 17 years I have practiced family medicine. … Continue reading “How the new payment model could turn the tide on B.C.’s family doctor shortage”
Dr. Jessica Chan I always knew I wanted to help people, but it was a pursuit of meaningful engagement that … Continue reading “Keeping family medicine alive: Encouraging a new generation of family doctors in B.C. “