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About Us/Become a Member

Become a Member

Log in to your Doctors of BC account & add BC Family Doctors to your membership.

With your help, we:

  • Launched a provincial election advocacy toolkit to share your solutions for the future of primary care.
  • Led an awareness-raising campaign on the crisis in family medicine.
  • Helped achieve a PMA with historic funding increases for doctors, tackling issues like re-referrals and administrative burdens.
  • Co-led discussions with government to secure the Longitudinal Family Physician (LFP) Payment Model, as well as improve and expand it based on your feedback.

And we’re just getting started.

What benefits can you expect from joining?

How do I join?

Becoming a member is easy. When you renew your Doctors of BC dues, make sure to join BC Family Doctors at the same time. 

Try our resources for yourself with a two-week free trial. If you have never been a member of BC Family Doctors before and are interested in receiving temporary complimentary membership, email

Log in to Doctors of BC. On your My Account page, join BC Family Doctors under Sections & Societies.

  • There are plus signs for each Section. Click on the plus sign for BC Family Doctors, and choose the category that applies to you.
    • Regular – $475
    • First Year in Practice – $238
    • Reduced dues (less than $60,000 income) – $238
    • Professionally inactive or retired – FREE
    • Residents and medical students – FREE
  • Then click the blue button Join Selected Sections and Societies.
  • You can pay electronically by credit card or direct debit.
  • If you have problems adding BC Family Doctors to your profile, contact the Doctors of BC membership department at
  • If you feel that none of these categories applies to you, please feel free to send us a message at

Log in to your Doctors of BC account & add BC Family Doctors to your membership.

BC Family Doctors