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Advocacy/Act Now

Act Now

Speak out for family medicine: Prioritizing Patient Care

BC Family Doctors and the BC College of Family Physicians are asking you to join us in speaking out for family medicine. Our election toolkit will guide you on how you can share your story and push for needed changes in our healthcare system.

Patients are at the centre of everything that you do as family doctors. When you’re not appropriately supported and resourced, it impacts the quality of care your patients receive. The upcoming provincial election is an opportunity for you to impact funding, patient care, and working conditions for you and your patients.

Our toolkit highlights three asks for family medicine:

  1. Patients before paperwork
  2. Respect and representation for family doctors
  3. Business and practice supports for family doctors

Take Action! 
There are three ways you can get your message out. You’ll find all the resources you need in the toolkit.

  1. Talk to your local candidates
  2. Share your story in a letter to the editor of your local newspaper
  3. Amplify your voice through social media, using #bcdocscare

Get Media Training!
Watch the recording of our media training session for family doctors to help you effectively tell your story and engage your audience with confidence. Access the slide deck from the webinar here.

Download Speak Out for Family Medicine: Prioritizing Patient Care Toolkit

Download our campaign social media graphics and use the hashtag #bcdocscare.

Family doctors are the heart of healthcare. This provincial election, let’s make sure your voice is heard!

BC Family Doctors